
So yesterday the topic was avoidance, and I briefly mentioned and described “exposures.” I’ve probably briefly mentioned and described exposures many a time on the blog (and described the difference between lifestyle and purposeful exposures), but I thought I would delve in a little deeper today with some examples. Basically, exposures involve forcing yourself to be…


I was talking to a friend the other morning about a member of her family who has social anxiety. The reason I bring this up is that it got me thinking about the relationship between anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder. How does “not doing” something because of an anxiety/worry/fear compare to the “compulsions” of OCD? When you…

You are not so OCD

I wasn’t going to write about this topic today. I had another post scheduled but alas, we are interrupting the regularly scheduled programming for this special announcement: DO NOT TAKE THAT OCD TEST GOING AROUND FACEBOOK.  Why? Because it is an eye test, not an OCD test. Do you want a real test for obsessive…