Guys, no joke, music used to be my life. Well, maybe not my “life,” but a huge part of my life. I wanted to run a music venue. I had a first generation ipod in 2002. I did pretty much everything along to a soundtrack—getting ready, studying, walking to class, driving, etc. I went to…
Scripture Snapshot: “On Being Genuine”
Recently I reread President Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s talk from April 2015 entitled, “On Being Genuine.” Really, I should just repost the entire talk here and not do any analysis because it is that good. However, I will try my best and focus in on just a little bit of what he brought up.
Everyday Thursday
Ah, this week, where do I begin? Well, I haven’t been feeling as great this week physically, probably because I was trying to eat super well (Whole 30 inspired) and now those 30 days have ended and I’ve been introducing bread, diary, etc. back into my diet. Either that or I’m just getting more headaches…
Book Review: The Peace of Mind Prescription
Before I begin my review of “The Peace of Mind Prescription,” by Dennis S. Charney and Charles B. Nemeroff (with Stephen Braun), I want to give two disclaimers. Disclaimer #1: This book does not discuss obsessive compulsive disorder. They even mention that the book won’t discuss obsessive compulsive disorder, so don’t think “oh maybe it will….”…
Sketches: Finger licking
Okay, yes, the title of this post is a bit weird. But so is OCD, so deal with it! The Problem Over this past year, I have had a problem with eating finger foods—or really, any food that requires my hands to come close to my mouth. If my fingers touch my mouth or lips,…