A lot of times there is a (spoken and unspoken) stigma that those who fight mental health problems are somehow weak or not as capable as those who are mental illness-free. It’s almost as if those who perpetuate this stigma think anyone foolish enough to succumb to a mental illness must not be smart enough, resilient enough, or…
Scripture Snapshot: Elder Hales, 2016
In last week’s “Scripture Snapshot,” I analyzed some portions of President Nelson’s most recent General Conference address. I also threw in a quote from Elder Hales’ talk for good measure. Today, let’s look into that talk a little bit more.
Everyday Thursday
Having kids is really hard. I’ve written about how OCD can affect your relationship with your children, and I’m definitely willing to admit that my relationship with my kids isn’t always great. The OCD definitely made it worse, but I think our own personalities and the way we grew up also affects our parenting style,…
How writing helps my OCD
As much as I hope that this website helps others with OCD (and especially those who have OCD and are also LDS) if I’m being honest, it’s actually helping me. Not that it can’t help all of us—because that is obviously that ideal symbiotic relationship—but it really is helping me, even if you get nothing out…
Sketches: The jacket
The other day I was running late to an appointment. I arrived and parked my car in between two other cars. This in itself is an “exposure” for me because I often think that I will or did hit cars when I pull into parking spots. I fear that I have scratched or dented the…