It’s one thing to talk about adult members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with mental health struggles and another when we think about the youth of the Church who have mental illnesses.
Mental Illness in our RS, EQ, and HP Groups
I soon realized after getting called as a Relief Society President that mental illness was a common issue among the women. My husband and I presented a fifth Sunday lesson on “Mental Health and the Gospel” and learned that the women were not alone in needing help, information, and care regarding mental illness. The men…
What is the Responsibility of “the Church”?
Something I thought about when I was writing the very first draft of my book (which the final draft did not reflect) was the concept of “the Church”—its meaning, its responsibilities, and its reach, particularly as concerning the mental health of its members.
Relief Society in Retrospect
For the last little while (almost a year and a half), I served in Church in the calling of Relief Society President. For those of you who aren’t Mormon/LDS, we get “called” or asked to serve in different positions in the Church, doing so voluntarily and without pay.
The Last Week
Since Thanksgiving, basically, I’ve been a bit of a rudderless ship. I mean, that’s not entirely true. I have accomplished things. I submitted a manuscript to some publishers, and I hope that it is successful because I really do think the topic is one that needs to be addressed and shared. We had Christmas. I’ve…