I grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I don’t have very much in depth experience with other religions or churches, not having been a part of any. Having studied world religions a little bit at BYU and gone on a mission, though, I’ve learned that there are some religions that aren’t…
The religion card
I am not a psychologist, nor have I done in depth research on the prevalence of OCD or other mental illnesses based on religious preference or belief in God. However, people like to look for correlations, cause and effect, etc. Are you OCD because you are a Mormon? If I didn’t believe in God, would my mental…
My story, part four
Announcing… part four of “My OCD Life Story, So Far”: Early Marriage/Late Twenties click here for part three, here for part two, and here for part one After my mission, I did the boring, wonderful, and expected: I got a job, got my own place to live, and got married. We lived in Utah and…
My story, part three
Part three of “My OCD Life Story, So Far”: “Grad school and mission” For part two, click here, and for part one, click here A university in England accepted me for graduate school starting the fall after my internship. At this point, I questioned whether or not I should go. Would I be able to…
The conversation
Are you open with others about having obsessive compulsive disorder? It’s kind of a tricky thing. Personally, I would have to answer with both a yes and a no. I have blogged about my OCD before (on a personal blog), so people who read that entry know. But I don’t go around publicizing it to…