Sometimes when we are going through an OCD or anxiety disorder episode, it feels like the feelings of worry and dread will never end. It seems like we will feel the anxiety forever and that feeling is often the reason that we think we HAVE to do the compulsion or safety behavior. It feels imperative…
Therapy Update
Summer is coming to a close (hooray!). This has been a doozy of a summer for me, what with having my “breakdown” right around school getting out, going to the ER, getting on new medication, and going to weekly group therapy (unless we were out of town).
Church Avoidance?
In a recent post I mentioned being quoted in an LDS Living Article listing tips for those who experience anxiety in the Temple and at Church. In reading through comments (a bad habit for writers, I’m learning ;), I found one thought that I wanted to address.
Worry, Anxiety, and OCD
As I think I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been taking a course on CBT and Anxiety Disorders online through the Beck Institute. It’s been really interesting to see in general how CBT relates to anxiety as well as to learn about anxiety disorders other than OCD. It’s been fascinating to see the differences and how the…
Scripture Snapshot: Elder Ballard “Return and Receive”
Elder Ballard’s talk from the April 2017 General Conference discussed goals and planning and was titled “Return and Receive.” It had some great life tips, as well as advice that we can apply to our OCD “progress” too.