Like I wrote earlier, things have been fairly rough lately. I have felt like I am constantly unclean, and that “discomfort” (which to me feels like saying a broken limb is a slight scratch) has been ruling my life, leading me to wash my hands over and over again, restrict what I do and when…
What is the fear behind the obsession?
Like I’ve mentioned previously, I am currently attending group for my OCD. We meet weekly to discuss our progress, successes, and setbacks. I enjoy listening to and getting to interact with others who also have obsessive compulsive disorder, hearing what works for them and listening to the advice and counsel from the doctors to myself…
When OCD Takes Back Control
The other night I wrote down some of my thoughts for that moment about where OCD has taken me. I went off my medication near the end of last year and, despite going back to my psychologist and going to weekly group therapy, I have allowed the OCD to come back with a vengeance. I…
Core Beliefs
I mentioned in an earlier blog post that I was taking an online course with the Beck Institute about cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). Before taking the course, I was somewhat skeptical. I wanted to take another one of their courses on CBT and anxiety disorders (and I am going to be taking it eventually), but they…
When Your Anxiety is on High Alert
Lately my anxiety has been on what I’ll call “high alert.” It’s not that anything really difficult or crazy has been happening (though yes, occasionally something random will occur and trigger my OCD), it’s more that I’ve been feeling almost constantly on edge. Emotional/Mental and Physical Responses Sometimes I feel like my brain can’t relax,…