It’s OCD Awareness Week. I wondered what I could say in this post that would be new or unique yet still meaningful. I didn’t want to rehash old trains of thought or repeat myself yet again, so I started to think about what OCD Awareness meant to me. What should it mean? Obviously, those of us who…
Why Mental Illness Awareness Week Matters
Just in case you weren’t aware, this is Mental Illness Awareness Week. And just in case you are unfamiliar with me, I’m all about mental illness awareness. I have this “crazy” idea that the more open we are about our mental health and illnesses, the more other people will be helped. What other people?
I was talking to a friend the other morning about a member of her family who has social anxiety. The reason I bring this up is that it got me thinking about the relationship between anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder. How does “not doing” something because of an anxiety/worry/fear compare to the “compulsions” of OCD? When you…
Check it out…
So guess what’s finally up? The “Do I have OCD?” section of the website! It is still a work in progress (i.e. more will be added), but it’s a great start, thanks to Daniel Gibson. Check it out here.
When I first went to group therapy
My first proper experience with therapy or seeing a psychologist for my OCD came in the form of a group session. It just so happened that there was a group meeting with my newly chosen psychologist on the very day my husband called to schedule an appointment. I dragged myself out of the house and nervously…