I am getting really annoyed with snow days, here in this land we live, where barely any snow can make it into a “snow day” for my children’s schools. This time, however, we really got snow. Like a lot of snow, even compared to the days we used to live in Utah. We drove home from…
Everyday Thursday
Sometimes I feel completely overwhelmed when I start writing an “Everyday Thursday” post and simply don’t know what to say or where to begin. Most times, actually, that is the case, and today is no exception. First of all, I want to say “thanks” for not abandoning the blog over the holiday break. Truth be told,…
Everyday Thursday
Well, on Wednesday morning I took my last fluoxetine pill. I’m not too worried yet since I know that the half life of fluoxetine is pretty long, so it’s not like I’m totally “on my own” without medication. It’ll be hanging around my system residually for a bit longer. But still, not taking that pill everyday?…
Everyday Thursday
It’s easy to be all talk. I mean, don’t you think? It’s so much easier to just say what you should do rather than actually buckling down and doing it, right? So, you’ll be happy to know that I’m not all talk. I actually sat down last week with two pieces of paper and wrote some…
Everyday Thursday
Do you make it through your life in chunks of time? Like, there is some big “event” that you look towards and think, “Okay, I have to get to that date and then I’ll think about what comes after that point”? I do this all the time these days. I’m not sure if I used…