Happy Thanksgiving! That’s it. Go eat lots of turkey and pie and ignore your OCD as best you 😉
Everyday Thursday
Okay, is everyone done with the political and philosophical/sociological whatever posts for now? I am. Phew. Who knew it would almost be a relief to get back to talking about obsessive compulsive disorder? Considering this is an Everyday Thursday post, though, we will go more general and ease back into our normal programming gently. Between today…
(Not) Everyday Thursday
There are a lot of feelings going on right now. Not just personally, (though there are), but also in our whole society and country. Good feelings, bad feelings, anger, hope, sadness, dismay, distrust, relief, agony, and probably some indifference somewhere in there too because, well, balance. I have a lot of thoughts jostling around in…
Everyday Thursday
Phew. So I’m still cutting back my dose of fluoxetine and surviving, although my body decided to give into the stress, lack of sleep, and poorer nutrition and went and got a cold. Sickness + me = bad things for my OCD usually, let alone as I’m trying to wean off of my medication.
Everyday Thursday
Ah, this week, where do I begin? Well, I haven’t been feeling as great this week physically, probably because I was trying to eat super well (Whole 30 inspired) and now those 30 days have ended and I’ve been introducing bread, diary, etc. back into my diet. Either that or I’m just getting more headaches…