Apparently it’s a thing for people to claim that mental illness in general and/or specific mental illnesses aren’t “real.” A comment that was posted (and since deleted) on a review of my book, “The OCD Mormon,” on By Common Consent said something to that effect, or that it was the medication that caused the symptoms.…
A Recommendation for the Ensign
Those of you who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are likely familiar with the Ensign. For those who are not, the Ensign is a magazine from the Church that comes out once a month with gospel related messages and stories. Twice a year it contains the General Conference talks…
The Difference Between Mental Health and Mental Illness
The other day I read an article from LDS Living entitled “Prophets and Apostles Share Their Personal Experience with Mental Illness.” I was surprised and pleased to see LDS Living addressing such subject matter, of course, but then I found myself agreeing with one commenter after the article who addressed the issue I want to…
Scripture Snapshot: Elder Holland “Songs Sung and Unsung”
General Conference has once again come and gone, providing us with ample talks to read and reread, analyze, and discuss. It was an interesting General Conference—one that I loved a lot more than others in recent years—but also shockingly lacking female voices (only one female speaker in the 4 general sessions). Still, the talks were…
Gender and mental illness
Let’s talk for a few minutes about gender and mental illness. I don’t want to get into statistics regarding how many men versus women have various mental illnesses. But I do want to briefly discuss how men and women handle having a mental illness.