On Sunday, I get to lead a discussion in Relief Society about the talk, “Three Sisters” given by President Uchtdorf. So, I know that “technically,” since the change in the First Presidency of the Church, it is probably Elder Uchtdorf rather than “President” but people sometimes call former Bishops from their ward “Bishop so and…
The Last Week
Since Thanksgiving, basically, I’ve been a bit of a rudderless ship. I mean, that’s not entirely true. I have accomplished things. I submitted a manuscript to some publishers, and I hope that it is successful because I really do think the topic is one that needs to be addressed and shared. We had Christmas. I’ve…
Scripture Snapshot: Elder Ballard “The Trek Continues”
As we start the second year of this new year, I thought it would be a good idea to revisit a talk from general conference back in October. I don’t know about you, but I feel like general conference was ages ago now! I guess a lot of things have been going on for me…
New York Times: Teens and Anxiety
It has been quite a few days of 2018. I’m dealing with some health stuff, my kids are back in school, and we all recently found out about President Monson (prophet of the LDS Church) died. So the year is off to a start, I guess. It should be interesting to see what all pans…
Deseret News Review
Happy New Year! Sorry for the lack of post yesterday. New Years Day got away from me. A few exciting updates, however, since I last wrote: Deseret News Review I found out that I received a very nice review in the Deseret News on December 31, 2017. Check it out if you get a chance…